Monday, May 4, 2015

06 Reasons Why You Are Still Single - A Must Read For The Ladies

Ladies are more concerned about the relationships they get into and the future each relationship could lead to. In the midst of a lot of calculations it is not uncommon to find more single ladies than single men. If you are a lady reading this, i hope your curiosity gets fed. Here are some probable reasons why you are still single.

You are waiting for God to send you a husband.

Well, we all thank God when we meet the love of our lives, but that does not mean  that we just sat home waiting for God to bring him to us. The good book says, no food for a lazy man. In a like manner, no romance for she who does not search for it.

As Far As You Are Concerned  There Are No Good Men Left. 

You are sorrounded by ladies who bear no good testimonies towards the men in their lives. All you hear is about how deceitful men are. Well not all men are horrible. Just they way you are searching for a truthful man, so is there a man searching for a loving woman out there.

 You Are Very Picky

We may blame the little fantases that we grew up with. The idea that your man must be ideal and perfect is an illusion. You are not perfect, why do you think you will find a man that fit that perfect profile of yours. if you just let yourself  go, you will realise that, it is the little insignificant, and in some cases, annoying things about a guy that makes us fall in love with him.

Being in a Relationship is not a Priority at the Moment

You are a career woman and all you can think of is work. No time for dates or casual outings. Then why are you surprised about your single status. To fall in love, you need to interact and give a chance.

One Guy Broke Your Heart and Now You Think all Men will Do Same.

A heart break is one of those things i woud not wish to my enemy, and it's only understandable that you get scared to open up again. But don't let fear stop you from having another chance at love. Is it possible to love again after a heart break.

You Think Dressing Hyper Sexy Will Get You A Man

Well, men do love sexy. The problem is, you are looking for a durable relationship, not a one night stand. And that's exactly what dressing scantily will give you, - a one night stand. Most probably nothing more.

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