Thursday, July 30, 2015

Six(6) Effective Natural Ways to have a smooth face


These tips are inexpensive, and most of all natural ways of keeping smooth and lowing skin 

1.Crush Bananas with milk: Crush bananas along with milk then apply to your face. wash it after 20 minutes.this helps to make the skin soft.

2. Apply raw tomato on the skin: It reduces blemishes and scars.

3.  Applying cucumber on the face tightens the pores: Wash off the juice after 15 minutes

4. Honey makes the skin glow: It makes the skin soft and avoids wrinkles.

5. Dried orange peels mixed with curds: helps to remove the scarson the face and makes the face smooth.

6. Citrus face packs are excellent for oily skin.

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