Friday, August 14, 2015

Quick Ways To Get Rid Of Menstrual Cramps


  • Eat alot of Bananas: The best fruits for menstrual cramps are bananas.Drinking a lot of water also eases the pain. Other fruits which are also very good are oranges.
  • Take a hot bath: Taking a  hot bath also helps. Try to take some medicine to calm the pain down.Stay in hot water after taking the medicine in order to make the medicine more effective.
  • Massage your abdomen: When the pain is so much, Massage your lower abdomen. Dont be too hard on yourself. Rub in a circulare motion.
  • Avoid these products: Avoid any product which contains Caffeine, High amount of Sodium and Sugar.Stay away from anything including caffeine, high amount of sodium, and sugar.
  • Eat healthy: Take healthy meals. Especially vegetables.
  • Watch a funny movie: Distract yourself with something you love most.You could watch a funny movie in order to feel relax or you could think of any period in your life which makes you feel good.
  • Take medecines earlier: Take ibuprofen some days before your menstrual period.

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