Thursday, August 20, 2015

Shannen Doherty's ( Former Beverly Hills Star) Revealed To Have Breast Cancer.

 "The Former "Beverly Hills" star says that her former business mangers and accountants mismanaged hermoney and allowed her health insurance to lapse a year. Due to that, She says she did not go to the doctor untiol she had insurance which led to the delay in diagnosing her cancer.The results will likely require more drastic treatments.including possible mastectomy and chemotherapy. The Doctors say earlier treatment might  have stopped its spread.

Tanner Mainstain is saddened to learn that Ms.Doherty is suffering from cancer. He wishes her quick and full recovery.The company's attorney, Randall J.Dean, wrote in a statement. "However, the claim that Tanner Mainstain caused her to be uninsured,prevented her fromm seeking medical care or in some way contributed to her cancer is very false.

Tanner Mainstain will agggressively defend all of Ms..Doherty's claims in court.

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